Mae cyd-destun gwaith Gareth Owen yn ymwneud a'i ddiddordebau sy'n tarddu o'i gefndir a'i ymwybyddiaeth Cymreig. Ystyria ei gelfyddyd fel cyfrwng sy'n pontio celf weledol gyda meysydd megis lleyddiaeth, barddoniaeth a drama a'r hyn mae'r Cymry Cymraeg yn ei alw "Y Pethe". Ceisia briodi hyn oll ag ystyriaethau ffurfiol celfyddyd weledol megis y darlun fel gwrthrych ac effithiau rhithiol yn ymwneud a wyneb y darlun.
The content of Gareth Owen's work is related to his background and his awareness of being Welsh. He regards his paintings as a medium that bridges visual art with other arts such as literature, poetry and drama and what the Welsh speakers refer to as "Y Pethe" His aim is to marry all of this with formal considerations of visual art, concepts such as the painting as an object and illusions to do with the surface of the picture.
The content of Gareth Owen's work is related to his background and his awareness of being Welsh. He regards his paintings as a medium that bridges visual art with other arts such as literature, poetry and drama and what the Welsh speakers refer to as "Y Pethe" His aim is to marry all of this with formal considerations of visual art, concepts such as the painting as an object and illusions to do with the surface of the picture.